Time is a concept which is not that subjective because nobody has another version of it. The entire world is living in 21st century and no one can have an opinion on it except the makers of this film. Narrative of this film is so dull that it actually matches up to the bad cinema of 90’s made anywhere in the world. Lighting of the film itself looks like a really bad student film effort by unprofessionals which thematically is very important for the thriller genre but doe snot live up to the point in here.
As cliche as it may sound, a psychologically disturb killer is being hunted for crimes by a bunch of dim wits who don’t even know how the mind of a killer would work and that joke is on the writers. They could not have been lazier in order to shape this story in such a dull way that one feels if a romantic should have been instead of a thriller. People who can’t use logic should have at least this much of self awareness that a thriller is big boy’s business hence might just stick to mainstream instead of mixing both.
Intelligence is something which can’t be faked like honesty hence if a screenplay is not intelligent than it can’t be pretended to. Makers clearly don’t get around even the performance part of it. Each and every actor is almost out of sync to the narrative and making their own films perhaps they should have rehearsed before going on the floor or done anything which would help the film. Dialogues are also very cliche and don’t generate any sort of curiosity in the moment where the film should have been lifted by those. Overall this film should be avoided in cinemas, television, digital, radio and any other platform.
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