Hollywood is just not getting sick of making bad video game movies and this time they decided to reboot a bad video game movie to make another bad video game movie. There is something left to be cracked as a device in the screenplay so one can properly adapt a video game into the film without ruining it completely so people give up on the game as well thinking that it is as bad as the film. Tomb Raider never worked as the film in the first place which makes the reboot almost inevitable to show a bad studio investment.
Game of the same name came out in 2013 and gamers went berserk on it as it has a very good story line but sadly Vikander did not learn anything from her husband Michael Fassbender who has done probably the worst video game movie of all time by the name of Assassins Creed. Alicia’s portrayal of Lara Croft is truly horrible and she worked upon nothing but looking ripped in an action-adventure movie. Many good actors seem to be almost forgetting their process the moment they sign a potential blockbuster movie.
Plot of the film says that Lara is on a quest to seek the final known location of her father so that she can solve the mystery of his death and that’s pretty much about it. Script of the film is so shallow that writers did not even bother to create some intriguing sub plots instead of just following the tail of their already loose plot. Like a good studio movie they were able to set up or a sequel to this just in case the film is able to make money on the box office, which gives them some sort of artistic license to pursue mediocrity. One hopes that a talent like Alicia would not waste herself in a bad script like this.
Your personal agenda is so clear in this “review”.
If you can’t act professional, maybe you should stop revewing movies. You should be embarrased for publishing this.
Shame on you
Stupid review. Someone’s salty.
awful review. U sucks