Gringo comes at a time in American cinema when dark humor is more or less dying and comedy is not being paid enough attention to. Intelligent comedy which creates a satire in issues like drugs or races are mostly dead on paper and sex comedies are rather making their way into the cinema library. Plot of Gringo speaks highly of a very intelligent screenplay and takes a dig at many things such as American presidency and race problem with African-American people and how it is wide spreading in the current times.
Charlize Theron, David Oyelowo and Joel Edgerton run a firm which has developed something called a weed capsule because they want to target the billion dollar marijuana industry. The invention they have made is pretty revolutionary and they think that they are going to be one of the richest people in the world as every marijuana user would totally subscribe to their tablet because it is an easier and less harmful way of doing the drug. Until they figure out that a Mexican drug cartel is after their invention and they manage to kidnap Oyelowo’s character only to strike a deal with Theron and Edgerton.
Film is a good mix of situational and action comedy where audience will be laughing at the funny misery of characters while it has a lot of deaths and blood spilling in it. Performances are not revolutionary in the film but they serve the purpose of the script while most of the comedy is generated by director Nash Edgerton. Nash is the elder brother of Joel and he has served as an action director in many major Hollywood movies over a period of two decades including Zero Dark Thirty and The Great Gatsby. Gringo is Nash’s directorial debut and he handled a big film in a very calm manner. Overall it is a decent one time watch at the cinemas.
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