The MP Board Examination 2018 Time Table has been released. The 12th exams to be conducted on behalf of the Secondary Education Board will start from March 1, 2018, and the 10th will start from March 5. The examinations timing will be from 9 am to 12 pm. The board examinations for the physically challenged students have been fixed, from April 21 and will be held from 1 pm to 4 pm. The Board of Secondary Education issued the information today while releasing the Date sheet. It has been informed that this time, students who are pursuing board examinations will be given answer booklets 10 minutes before the commencement of examination. And the question paper will be given five minutes earlier.
It is said that this time there will be a total of 19 lakh 10 thousand students in board examinations. In which 11 lakh 45 thousand students will be of class 10 and a total of 7 lakh 65 thousand students from Higher Secondary who are going to give MP Board Examination 2018. There will be 4 thousand 300 students in higher secondary business.
MP Board class 10 exam 2018 Date sheet
5 March 2018: Third Language (General) Sanskrit, Urdu, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati, Telugu, Tamil, Punjabi, Sindhi, Malayalam, Kannada & Oriya.
9 March 2018: Mathematics
13 March 2018: Social Science
16 March 2018: Science
21 March 2018: Second and Third Language (General) – English
24 March 2018: Second & Third Language (General) – Hindi
27 March 2018: First Language (Special) – Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Urdu,
31 March 2018: NSQF IT/ITES, Security VOC
MP Board class 12 exam 2018 date Sheet
1 March 2018: Special Language – Hindi (including vocational students)
7 March 2018: Special Language Sanskrit
8 March 2018: Special Language English (including vocational students)
10 March 2018: Second Language (General)- Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Marathi, Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi, Bengali, Gujarati, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Arabic, Persian, French, Russian, Kannada and Oriya.
12 March 2018: Economics, First Question Paper VOC
13 March 2018: Music
14 March 2018: History, Physics, Business Studies, Ele. Science and Maths useful for agriculture, Drawing and Painting, Home Management, Nutrition and Textile
15 March 2018: Drawing and Designing
17 March 2018: Biology
20 March 2018: Higher Mathematics
22 March 2018: Political Science, Animal Hus. Milk Trade, Poultry Farming and Fishery, Element of Science, History of Indian Art, Business Economics, Second Question Paper VOC
23 March 2018: Biotechnology
26 March 2018: Geography, Chemistry, Crop. Production and Horticulture, Still Life & Design, Anatomy Physiology and Health, Third Question Paper Vocational Course (VOC)
27 March 2018: NSQF IT/ITES, Security VOC
28 March 2018: Bookkeeping and Accountancy
31 March 2018: Sociology, Psychology, Agriculture (Humanities Group), Home Science (Art Group), Foundation Course, Environment Education and Rural Development (VOC)
2 April 2018: Informatics Practices
3 April 2018: Special Language Urdu
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