KCET 2018 admit card notification has been released on the official website. Candidates who had filled the application form must visit the official website. The exams are scheduled to take place on April 18, 19 and 20. Candidates can check all the details here. The admit cards are scheduled to be released on April 10, 2018. Candidates must download the admit card from April 10, 2018. On April 18, the exams will take place for Maths and Biology. The biology exam will take place in morning whereas maths will take place in afternoon shift. The admit card will be released at 11 am on April 10, 2018. The total duration of both the exams will be of one hour and 20 minutes.
On April 19, the exams is scheduled for Physics and Chemistry. Physics exam will take place in Morning whereas the Chemistry will take place in evening. The duration of this exam will be of 1 hour and 20 minutes. The total marks of the KCET paper will be 60 marks. On April 20, Kannada language test for Horanadu and Gadinadu students will take place. The paper will be of 50 marks. The application form was closed on February 28 for this exam. Later the date of filling the application form was extended from February 28 to March 8, 2018.
This exam will provide admission to Medical, Dental, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Unani, Naturapathy and Yoga, Engineering, B.Sc Agriculture, Sericulture, Forestry, Horticulture, B-Pharma and D-Pharma courses. The admission will be provided to only students of Kerala. Candidates must make a note on all the notification which are released on the official website. The mode of giving the answer sheet will be offline. All the applicants must visit the website. A booklet will be provided to the students where questions will be there. Candidates must check all the details and must visit all the website. The syllabus will be provided on the official website of the exam.
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