CBSE Board exams for Class 10th and Class 12th are scheduled to take place next week. The date-sheet and the admit cards has been released by the CBSE. Candidates who are going to appear for the exams can check the marking scheme on the official website. Many guidelines has already been issued by the Board and the candidates can check on the details on the website. Candidates must check the marking scheme for the Class 10th as well as for Class 12th so that they prepare themselves accordingly. Candidates must check the scheme and should prepare for the exam accordingly.
Candidates must follow the steps given below in order to check the marking scheme:
- Candidate must visit the official website i.e.
- There will be a tab of examination and the examination related material.
- By doing this, the link will appear on the screen for the marking scheme of class 10th and class 12th.
- Download the marking scheme.
By following all the above steps, a candidate who will be appearing for the board exam will be able be check the marking scheme. About 18,000 schools are affiliated with CBSE board. There were 3% increase in the registration this year. Approximately 10,98,891 candidates from which 6,38,865 were boys and 4,60,026 were girls from 10,678 schools registered for the CBSE Class 12 examinations this year. Candidate must reach the examination hall on time. No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination hall without the admit cards. Marking scheme will carry all the information regarding the exam subjects. This will help all the students who are appearing for the exam can check the details on the link of the marking scheme. Candidates must keep a check on the official website as many new updates will be coming till the date of exam.
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