
Anna University Results 2017 declared; Check now at

Anna University Results 2017 declared; Check now at

Anna University has finally declared all semester results of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. So, the candidates who have appeared for the exams of May/April and November/December 2017, can now check their results on official website of the University. However, the University has released the results on Friday evening, but the website crashed because of heavy traffic. Now, the students can access their results of November/December undergraduate and postgraduate exams at As per the official notification, all the examination results of all the semesters have declared except the first semesters. The candidates can also visit the hosting portal of the University to access results fastly and easily at for the result.

According to the sources, the Anna University is also expecting to release the timetable for the April, June and July 2018 examination on the official portal. If still, the candidates are not able to access their results because of heavy traffic then they are advised to visit the website after some time. As per the reports, this year total 5,25,000 students have appeared for the examination of Anna University. And around 5,000 examiners have evaluated the exam of the university. However, the exams of the University get delayed because of Chennai Rains and flood condition.

Moreover, the candidates can follow some instructions to access their results. Firstly, they have to visit the official website of Anna University at, or Then they have to click on the latest notification link of the May/June results 2017 or November/December Results 2017. And then, the Candidates are required to enter the details such as Name, Roll number and Date of Birth in the space provided on the screen. Then click on the submit button and soon your result will appear on the screen. Must take print out and download the result for the future reference.

About the author

Pallavi Parmar

Journalism is my profession, Blogging and Writing are my passion, Travelling is my love, Food is my life and Feminist by nature.

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