A total Surya Grahan or solar eclipse 2017 i.e 2nd of the year will be visible in mainland America on 21st August 2017 and between 09:30 pm to 02:34 am live streaming of Solar Eclipse or Surya Grahan 2017 will organised by Space India. India can enjoy the live streaming on the internet, the Delhi-based Science Popularization Association of Communicators and Educators, will arrange the live-stream of the upcoming Solar Eclipse 2017 from US. An eclipse is a natural phenomenon attributed to supernatural causes or regarded as bad omens. A total solar eclipse can be frightening to people who are unaware of its astronomical explanation, as the Sun seems to disappear during the day and the sky darkens in a matter of minutes.
The total solar eclipses is one of rare functioning in the atmosphere and thus happen to to be at particular as it totality exists along a narrow path on the Earth’s surface traced by the Moon’s shadow or umbra.During the solar eclipse occurs the moon completely covers the Sun and as Sun cross the US from Oregon to South Carolina over the course of an hour and a half. About 14 US states will experience darkness like night for near about two minutes in the middle of the day.
The orbital planes cross each other at a line creating nodes causing two or up to five, solar eclipses each year. Famous astronomers such as Surinder Solanki, Yogeshwar Kanu Aggarwal and more will participate with Bahmba taking photographs and will make documentary of all important phases observed during a total eclipse. The team will capture the Diamond Ring and Bailys Beads. Indian Space had also conducted similar expeditions during other total solar eclipse in 2009 and annular solar eclipse in 2010.
Surya Grahan 2017 Date and Time
21st August 2017 and between 09:30 pm to 02:34 am
NASA Surya Grahan 2017 Live Streaming