During the tenure of the Modi Government, there has been a significant decline in India’s position in the Right to Information (RTI) ranking. The country’s ranking has now fallen to the sixth place. India was in the fifth position last year. India was second in the RTI ranking in the Manmohan Singh government. The International Non-Governmental Organization Access Info Europe (AIE) and the Center for Law and Democracy (CLD), which worked on human rights, presented the report on September 28 by the International Right to Know (Right to Know) day. 150 Point Scale is used to create a list globally.
India in RTI Ranking 2018
There are 123 leading countries of the world where RTI Law is working and among those countries, India has been ranked above them, most of them have applied this law after India. At the same time, the organization has given the report by focusing on three important sections related to the RTI Act, such as 25 (2), section 19 (1) and Section 19 (2). In India, this law is known by the name of right to information act, whereas in many countries of the world, it is known as ‘Right to No’.
Transparency International India mentioned the fall in international racking of India in the report released on the occasion of RTI Day on October 12, 2018, in India. In order to remove global racking, the scales created for the basis of access to information, filed in the act, intuitive process of application, dissemination of appeals to institutions through information scope, various types of approval and promotion of protection law.
At the global level, under the ‘Right to No’ racking, Afghanistan is the smallest who is at the top with 139 points. The special thing is that India had made RTI Act in 2005, while Afghanistan had implemented it in nine years before, in 2014. After this, Mexico is at the second number with 136 points. After that Serbia, Sri Lanka and Slovenia are leading of next top three positions.
According to the report of the Center for Law and Democracy, India was second in the RTI Ranking under the UPA government with 130 points in 2011, while Serbia was at number one with 135 points at that time. Even in 2012, India’s ranking was remained the same. But in 2014 India slipped to number three with 128 points. While the small country Slovenia achieved the second place, leaving India behind with 129 points.
In 2016, India reached the fourth place, while Mexico remained on number one position. India had slipped to fifth place in 2017 and that year Sri Lanka, who made RTI law 11 years after India, reached number three mark with 131 points.
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