There is also Guru Purnima, along with Chandra Grahan. On this day, all the teachers or gurus are worshiped. For the next four months after Guru Purnima, the Saints talk about wisdom and remind people about the importance of the gurus. Nowadays it is a trend to congratulate the gurus by phone or message. But in the ancient times, students living in Gurukul used to worship their Guru in particular on the day of Guru Purnima. If you want to wish your Guru or Teacher through greetings this day through the phone. So show your love by sending your favorite message to your guru from the following 10 messages. Also remember that the teacher does not necessarily be from your school or college, because anyone can show the way to life and today is the best day to remember your teacher.
Guru Purnima Messages
जो बनाए हमें इंसान
और दे सही-गलत की पहचान
देश के उन निर्माताओं को
हम करते हैं शत-शत प्रणाम!
Happy Guru Purnima

Guru Purnima Messages
दिया ज्ञान का भण्डार हमें
किया भविष्य के लिए तैयार हमें
हैं आभारी उन गुरुओं के हम
जो किया कृतज्ञ अपार हमें
Happy Guru Purnima

Guru Purnima Messages
जीने की कला सिखाते शिक्षक
ज्ञान की कीमत बताते शिक्षक
पुस्तकों के होने से कुछ नहीं होता
अगर मेहनत से नहीं पढ़ाते शिक्षक
Happy Guru Purnima
आपसे ही सीखा आपसे ही जाना
आप को ही हमने गुरु है माना
न होते आप तो हम आज क्या होते?
बेमकसद ज़िन्दगी यूंही गुमनामी में बिता रहे होते!
Happy Guru Purnima
- Guru Purnima Timings and Shubh Muhurat: 27 July 2018
- Guru Purnima Date Start: On July 26, 2018, at 11.00 to 16 minutes
- Guru Purnima Timing end: 01 July 50 minutes on the night of 27th July 2018
Upon the morning of Guru Purnima, after taking bath and wearing clean clothes. Then make a diameter of 12-12 lines by putting a white cloth on a pouch in the temple of the house. After this, chant this mantra – ‘Guru Pramaprasadhyartha Vyasupujan Karishya’. After worship, your master or his photo. If the master is in front then first wash their feet. After that, Tilak them and offer flowers and touch their feat.
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