Staff Selection Commission declared CGL Tier 1 exam results today at around 10 PM. Some users reported website crashed due to visitors surge count. SSC declared roll number of who successfully qualified Tier 1 and were eligible for Tier 2 and 3 round. Candidates eligible for Tier 2 will have to attempt Paper 1,2 and 4. SSC CGL Tier 2 exam will be held on 10th and 11th November. Candidates can check their eligibility here.
Around 3 million ( 30 lac ) candidates appeared for Common Graduate Level examination for the current year of 2017. Exams for Tier 1 was conducted between August 5 to August 23. 30,26,599 students registered for the examination.
Candidates can check their result and relevant criteria for Tier 2 and 3 on write up mentioned in pdf here. To check results candidates can go to Then Click on result tab, which will open a pop-up in your browser. Select CGL Tier 1 result , from where you can see list of pdf and qualified roll number. You can view and take a printout of the result for reference.