High School Certificate examination admit card has been released by the Board of Secondary education. The admit cards will contain all the information regarding the exam center, Roll Number. The admit cards will be given by the School to the students. The exam will commence from February 23. The number of exam center will be 2818. The total number of students who will 590330. A total of just 302 centers have been selected for the question paper nodal. The exams will conclude by March 8, 2018. The hard copies of the admit card will be sent to the center on February 17.
HSC admit cards can be download by using the school code and the password. The admit cards will be available on the official website i.e. bseodisha.ac.in . Candidate can visit the official website for any query regarding the admit card or the exams. The regular and the students who want to re-appear can also appear for the exams which will begin on February 23. No separate exams will take place for the students who want to re-appear or for the improvement giving exams.
The exam will take place in the morning shift i.e. 9 am to 11:30 am. The total duration of the exam will be just two and a half hour. The question paper for both the regular and the private students will be same. The practical exams will take place from February 12 to February 17, 2018. The minimum percentage required to pass a certain exam is 30%. If the student has scored more than 60%, he is categorized in first division, If the student scores more than 45% but less than 60% is considered as second division and if the student scored more than 30% but less than 45% is considered as the third division. Less than 30% is considered as the failed one. The admit cards will be provided by the School authority.
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