“साहेब, सब जानकर अंजान क्यों हैं?” Rahul Gandhi tweets on Increasing pollution levels of the Nation

Mercury levels of politics rise after the latest tweet from Congress Vice-president Rahul Gandhi degrading air quality index of India added fuel on the ongoing issue of pollution level. This tweet came at a time when the Prime Minister is on 3 days visit of ASEAN summit happening in Manila. In a sarcastic and poetic tweet, Rahul Gandhi expressed his concern over the increasing pollution of India and cornered BJP for keeping the silence on this issue. With the latest tweet from Rahul Gandhi he Raises his concerns about increasing pollution levels and Casual Behaviour of central and state Government, In his tweet Rahul says,”सीने में जलन, आँखों में तूफ़ान सा क्यों है इस शहर में हर शख़्स परेशान सा क्यों है? क्या बताएँगे साहेब, सब जानकर अंजान क्यों हैं?”

Pollution is at peak level in northern part of India, Nasa also released the pictures of smog taken by NASA’s Aqua satellite. The Haze of poison air has enveloped much in north India including Delhi, Haryana, and Punjab. Delhi chief minister, Arvind Kejriwal said earlier that Delhi becomes a Gas Chamber in terms of pollution.

Delhi Government tried to introduced Odd-even scheme to combat Delhi pollution level But rolled back their decision after the New guidelines set by NGT on odd-even Scheme which rules out any exemption given by Delhi Government at the time of the odd-even phase. Review petition to NGT will be filed by Delhi government this week to implement Odd-even scheme in Delhi.