Increased Smog Invites Sickness is the new full form of ISIS in relation to Delhi’s pollution levels. It is no less dangerous than Syrian ISIS organization if one is conscious of his life and it is not an exaggeration to compare it with Hitler’s gas chamber. Increased pollution level halts the national capital region on Wednesday. The day witnessed collapsing of vehicles, shutting down primary schools and frustrating long traffic jams due to smog. Several accidents were witnessed in the nearby the cities of Delhi Including Noida, Yamunanagar, Bhatinda Chandigarh. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), The national capital of India (Delhi) is the world’s most polluted capital, with the worse level of air quality than Beijing and the pollution in India is the fifth leading cause of death.
However, people are advised to follow preventive measures to stay away from dangerous diseases. Air pollution or smog can cause the various health risk so to combat effects of air pollutants people should think about that and do something to stay healthy. Air purifiers and mask are not the only options to survive in such a life-threatening environment. increased pollution raise the question, “How to protect from hazardous pollutants?” Check out the below preventive measures which will make you a superhero in this polluted winters.
- Detox diet plan and breathing exercises help to stay away from harmful effects of pollution. Various food items including fruits and vegetable are beneficial to detox the effects of the pollutants from our body.
- Buy and use the air purifier and pollution mask to reduce the air pollution effects and to save yourself from danger.
- Leave Delhi for some time walk out for vacation to hilly areas to stay away from a polluted city.
- Grow more and more trees to reduce CO2 from the environment or to maintain the oxygen level.
- Use Public transport rather than private
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