IBPS PO admit card 2017 for Preliminary Exam has finally released on the official website. So, the candidates who have registered for the IBPS Preliminary Exam 2017 can now download the admit cards from the official website of IBPS at http://ibps.in. As per the official notification, the preliminary exam will be held from 7th October to 15th October 2017. The IBPS is the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection that conducts examination for the candidates who aspire to the Bank jobs. Every year IBPS conducts exams to fulfill various vacancies of PO/ MT, clerk, RRB.
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has issued the admit card for the candidates who have registered themselves to appear for the preliminary exams of IBPS. And the Institute of Banking conducts exam to fill the posts of public sector banks and other participating organizations. Now candidates can easily download the admit cards by visiting the official website of the Banking Institute.
The candidates are advised to follow these instructions to check and download admit cards. Firstly they have to visit the official website of IBPS at ibps.in. Then on the link of Download Preliminary exam call letter. After that enter your required details such as number, password, captcha code and click on the submit button. Candidates urged to download the admit cards for the future reference.