Haryana CRSU Jind has finally declared the results of BEd first-year exam. So, the candidates who have appeared for the examination of Haryana’s Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University Bed course can now check their results from the official website of the University at www.crsu.ac.in. The BEd exam of Haryana Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University was conducted in July month 2017. As per the reports, around 34,552 students across the Haryana state have appeared for the examination of CRSU University BEd exam. This year the result of the Haryana’s prestigious University stood at 54.6 percent.
The Controller of Examinations of Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University Dr Rajesh Bansal said that this is the first time when the State University has organised the BEd exam across Haryana state. And he said that University has declared the results for the students who have appeared for the examination of July month this year.
However, this year students from the 257 colleges in Haryana has appeared for the BEd exam first year. And out of 34,552 students, only 19,492 students have passed the examination. The Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University, Jind was earlier known as Kurukshetra University Post Graduate Regional Centre. It has started in August 2007 which conduct examination for two courses MCA and MBA. And now this year University come up with BEd first year exam for the first time.