Surya Grahan 2017 or Total solar eclipse 2017 is going to be biggest even and NASA is making sure that every minor detail is captured for the upcoming total solar eclipse. The team of NASA have funded scientists to observe the solar corona using stabilised telescopes aboard with two of the space agency’s research aircraft. NASA is also going to work on 11 science projects across America for scientists to take advantage of the unique astronomical event to learn more about the sun and its effects on earth’s upper atmosphere. Amir Caspi the Southwest Research Institute in Colorado will send scientists to assist will use two of NASA’s retrofitted WB-57F research jets to follow the shadow of the moon across America on August 21. This will enable the scientist to view the eclipse for over seven minutes, while it will last for only two and a half minutes for other viewers. You can catch live stream of Solar Eclipse or Surya Grahan 2017 by Space India for the people of India on 21st August 2017 on a Youtube channel.
They planning to record the observations with the twin telescopes mounted, the scientists will be able to capture clear images of the sun. The corona to counter first ever thermal images of Mercury, revealing how temperature varies across the planet’s surface. Dan Seaton, co-investigator of the project and researcher at the University of Colorado in Boulder, US, said: it is going to be one of the best ever observations of high frequency phenomena in the corona. He also gave remark that due to very high altitude, they planned to extend time so the observation is tracked without a miss. Though the track waves would be essentially invisible in just two minutes of observations from the ground.
Images of the Sun will be captured at visible light wavelengths, specifically the green light given off by highly ionized iron, supersaturated by the corona. The two planes will be launched from Ellington Field near NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston will observe the total eclipse for about three and a half minutes. These images will be taken in a first attempt to map the variation of temperature across the surface of the planet.