Noble Peace Prize 2017 awarded to ICAN to abolish nuclear weapons

ICAN the Geneva-based International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons has officially awarded with Nobel Peace Prize on Friday. The award made in the recognition of the group work to draw attention to the disastrous humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons said the chair of Norwegian Nobel committee Berit Reiss Andersen. He further added that it is for the groundbreaking efforts to achieve a treaty-based prohibition of such weapons.

The international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons is a global civil society work to promote the implementation of the treaty on prohibition of the nuclear weapons. It was launched in 2007 which counts 468 partner organisations in around 101 countries. And now in 2017, this international committee won Noble peace price to abolish nuclear weapons.

The committee chooses from over 300 nomination of the year that recognises both accomplishments and intentions. The announcement of the award came on Friday in the Norwegian capital Oslo which culminating a week of the Nobel laureates in the physics, medicine, chemistry and literature. The countries who are the five permanent members of the UN security council such US, UK, France, China and Russia did not participate in the negotiation of the treaty. It prohibits a catalogue of nuclear weapons-related activity including undertaking testing, development, production, manufacturing, acquiring, possessing or stockpiling nuclear weapons.