International Tiger Day, concerns to spread awareness and safeguard the animals

Imternational Tiger Day or Global Tiger Day is celebrated on July 29 every year to raise awareness about the conservation of Tigers. It originated in 2010, at Saint Petersburg’s Tiger Summit. It is important to spread information and genral knowledge about Tigers, to safeguard their natural habitat and to secure them from harm. The animal hold a specical significance for India, because Bengal Tiger’s are recognized as the National Animal of tht country. And, because it is the largest habitat for the animals (70% of the World’s Tiger population), India has a bigger role to play in their protection and creating a safe haven for them so that they’re not in any danger of extinction.

Tiger’s face a lot of dangers in the country, as The Ministry of Environment has stated that 45% of Tiger deaths is caused by because of avoidable reasons that are not related to their health. But, 37% in the portion of 45% have been victims of poaching and/or suffered from seizures in body parts.

It is also necessary to keep them inside their locations, but there have been many instances of Tiger’s crossing the boundaries, and roaming the streets of civilizations, inevitably causing harm to humans, which also leads to their death as a retaliation.