Human Rights Day: Stand up for own Rights on 70th anniversary of this day

Human Rights Day is the day adopted by the National General Assembly in 1948. Every year Human Rights day has observed on 10 December. It is the day for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In 2017, Human Rights day observed a year-long campaign to mark the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of the Human rights which proclaimed rights of a human being such as colour, religion, race, sex, political and any other opinion, language, property and birth. The Universal Declaration of the Human rights is the translated document in the world which is available in more than 500 languages.

Today, on the eve of Human Rights Day everyone marking this day for themselves. People with this day believe to stand up for themselves. Also, Twitterati overflowed with Stand up for yourself and stand up for Human Rights to raise voice against any discrimination. The United Nations on this day asked everyone to respect Human Rights because it is at the heart of development and peace without it we can’t achieve anything. On this day Twitteratti pledging to uphold human rights by promoting freedom, security and peace. It is the auspicious day for everyone in this world because the Universal Declaration of Human Rights empowers all of us.

The Human Rights Declaration had drafted by the representatives of diverse legal and cultural backgrounds from all the religions of the world. Also, this declaration sets out universal values and common standard of achievement for every individual of this nation. The principles of the Human rights were set up in the earlier 1948 which insists people stand up for own rights and it ensures that everyone can take action in daily lives to uphold the rights that protect all of us; they can also promote the kinship of all Human beings with the help of Human Rights Declaration.