Donald Trump North Korea summit confirmed at 12 June with Kim Jong-un

Donald Trump North Korea summit confirmed at 12 June with Kim Jong-un

US President Donald Trump said that he will meet with North Korea leader Kim Jong, on June 12 in Singapore. On Saturday, Trump,  confirmed the summit with Kim Jong in Singapore on June 12, said that the talks will start the process of disarmament of the Korean Peninsula. Trump announced the meeting with North Korean envoy Kim Yong Chol after 80-minutes meeting in the White House’s Oval Office. During this meeting, Chol handed a letter of North Korean leader to President Trump. In an immediate press conference in the White House after the departure of the North Korean envoy, Trump said, “The meeting was very good. We will be meeting in Singapore on June 12. This is a good way. It is a way of knowing and understanding them”.

Trump said that nuclear disarmament of the Korean Peninsula was a long process. He added, ‘I think this will be a process. I have never said that it will be in a meeting. But relationships are becoming and this is a positive thing. ‘ The US President expressed confidence that the people of North Korea also want to achieve this goal. He said, ‘I think they want it and they want other things along with it too. They want to develop as a country. It’s going to be. I have no doubt in this.

The US president confirmed that the summit will take place on June 12 in Singapore. He said, ‘This will be a beginning. I have never said that it will be in a meeting. You are talking about years of hatred, problems and hate with many different countries, but I think you will get positive results in the end. ‘ In response to a question, Trump said that he never canceled the meeting, his letter was responding to the statements coming from the Korean leader. The President said, “We are meeting with Chairman (Kim Jong Un) in Singapore on June 12. Ultimately this successful process is going on. ‘