US President Donald Trump’s “covfefe” nightmare recurred when he commented on the anti-fascist protest rally, saying the country will “heel” instead of “heal”. Trump was commenting on the protest rally where over 15,000 anti-fascist demonstrated against right-wing activists on Saturday in Boston. But his first two tweets included the similar typo spelling “heal” as “heel”. It was in his third tweet that he managed to get the word right.
“Our great country has been divided for decades. Sometimes you need protest in order to heal, and we will heal and be stronger than ever before!” Trump finally wrote in his third attempt. But that was too late for the President. By then Twitter had already started trolling and mocking him. Merriam-Webster tweeted out few definitions of the words pronounced the same heel. “heal (to become healthy again), heel (a contemptible person), he’ll (he will),” Merriam-Webster tweeted.
US journalist Mark Harris made a pun saying that one of Trump’s staff members had been helping him understand the importance of the Boston counter-protesters and good spelling. “Sincere thanks to whoever ran into the crapper to explain the value of protest to the president, then ran in again to explain spelling,” Harris wrote. Earlier this year, Trump sent a lot of people scurrying for dictionaries when he posted an odd tweet that used the word “covfefe”.
More than 73,000 people retweeted the tweet in just 120 minutes, and it earned its own hashtag. Twitter had a field day, with users trolling the President to the fullest. Much has been written about Trump’s novel use of Twitter. He says he uses it to communicate to people outside the media filter and, of course, supporters argue he won the election doing things his way. Latest reports indicated that his lawyers might start vetting his tweets.