Bug Issue on Whatsapp Beta Android Version, found T and Y as 84 and 89

whatsapp bug issue on Android Beta version

At one side, WhatsApp is doing some testing programme on its Android beta version, to let users test out upcoming features and provide feedback. At the same time, Whatsapp Beta Version is facing some Bug issue related to message/status sending day or date. However, the latest WhatsApp update (version 2.18.109) that arrived early this afternoon seems to have arrived with a mysterious bug in tow. Well, we know that the messaging app shows the ‘sent day or date’ next to each user in the chat list, as well as within the conversation. This feature helps you to know if the message was sent today, yesterday or on a certain date. Well, the sent day appears to be troubled with a bug and is currently it is not showing the days correctly in the app. Instead, if you’re signed up to receive beta updates, you’d have already noticed that today and yesterday are displayed as 84ODAY and 89ESTERDAY respectively.

Many Whatsapp users have taken this issue to social media channels and reported about this bug to WhatsApp, and the same appears to be famous. A Twitter user has pointed out that the ASCII code of that letter replaced the first letter of the sent day. You can confirm this from the chart attached below: In ASCII code which is known as (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), is a numerical representation of a character, uppercase T and Y are represented by 84 and 89 respectively, so this seems to a probable explanation. 

Bug Issue in Whatsapp

Although, This bug doesn’t hurt the functionality of WhatsApp, but there are some people who are concern about this bug issue. However, you are free to use the messaging app like as usual manner. WhatsApp has not pushed out an update to fix this bug, nor they put out any official statement to explain what caused it. This bug issue is only occurring on the Android version of WhatsApp.

Whatsapp Bug Issue on Android Beta Version

So if you are an Android user, you will see this bug on you Whatsapp? Let us know in the comments below.