Bali Volcanic eruption: Flights postponed till Wednesday

Bali Volcanic eruption: Flights postponed till Wednesday

The weather conditions at the Indonesian Island, Bali, have not changed, as the officials had to shut down the airports for a second day, as the thick plumes of smoke, coming from Mt Agung have covered the sky, making it impossible to travel from air. Residents and tourists up to 100,000 have been ordered to evacuate the Island. As the visibility is poor, no flights can take off from the Island, and people are advised to leave from a more appropriate route. The Transportation Ministry have extended the restriction on the airports to Wednesday  07:00 local time (00:00 GMT).

However, an airport in Lombok island has been reopened and the tourists can evacuate the Island through buses that have been provided by the authorities.

The Disaster Agency has reported that the Volcano has continued spewing ash into the sky, and red flares have also been flashing across its surface from night. Lahars, which is a combination of rocks and water have been spotted flowing around the Island, and people have been cautioned not to approach or get in its contact.

People living in villages around the 10km zone have now been taken to the shelters, but there are still people who are stranded on the Island, and should be placed in some safe place before the conditions worsen.