21 November is observed as a “World Hello Day” to express the importance of personal communication. This day is celebrated to show that as conflicts should be resolved through communication rather than the use of force. The annual global event of the ‘World Hello Day’ began to be celebrated in 1973 as a response to the Yom Kippur War, the conflict between Egypt and Israel. It is stated with an objective to say hello to at least ten people on the day and first recalled by a Ph.D. graduate, Brian Mc Cormack. It also gained the support of 15 countries in the first year.
Mc Cormack mailed 1,360 letters, in seven languages, to government leaders worldwide to encourage participation in the first World Hello Day, from that time, the World Hello Day has been observed by people in 180 countries. The message of the Mc Cormack through World Hello Day, is to use communication rather than force to settle conflicts for world leaders.
People do not know how good it actually feels to admit where they are wrong and say sorry. Most people will respect you more for being able to admit your mistake, it will always be worth to make the first move and extend your hand to others in a gesture of peace.
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