Pitra Visarjan 2017: Get to know the date, time and auspicious Amavasya significance

Pitra Visarjan 2017

Pitra Visarjan can be defined as the immersion, closing or the ending after the fulfillment of the desires. This is a ritual that is performed in regards to our fathers and fore-fathers to provide them peace so that they can get separated from us. This ritual is generally performed on the new moon of the Shraadh side which is performed to give respect to his existence by giving food of their choice. It is also believed that after the ritual is completed, the father returns after providing auspicious blessings to the children . But as our Hindu community believes it, scientific and some of the spiritual concepts do not confirm the same.

It has been mentioned in our Hindu ancestral texts that on the day of new moon which is also believed to be the day of disobedience when there is no date of death known to the family. On this day the cases of indispensable and premature deaths are also counted. The main aim to observe this ritual is to mark their existence in our lives and also regard them as our parent. This year, the time of this ritual will be observed as the timings as same as Bombay which will be on September 19, 2017 after 11.25 pm and will last till 20th September, 2017 at 10 am that will be for 59 minutes. Since the sunrise in the new moon that will be observed on 20th September and therefore this is being celebrated in the new moon.