Mahavir Jayanti 2018: Rituals and Significance

Mahavir Jayanti 2018: Rituals and Significance

Mahavir Jayanti is the most famous and important festival for the people of the Jain community. This day is celebrated with great passion as it marks the birthday of Lord Mahavira. The rituals that should be followed are that the food which should be prepared should be free from onion, garlic and mushroom. These are some tips that should be followed. Jainism was a different religion which was started by Lord Mahavira. His teachings and preachings are dug deep inside the people of Jains. This day has huge significance in the Jain community. People on this day observe fast and make the special offering to Lord Mahavira.

The day starts by offering Puja to Lord Mahavira and then making all the different types of food for him. Jain visit the Jains temple and there they seek the blessings of Lord Mahavira. An auspicious ritual which is known as Abhishka where the idols of Mahavira are bathed in Honey, water and milk. After this, puja is conducted and everyone worships the idols of Lord Mahavira. The community meal is also prepared, the meal doesn’t have onion and garlic in it. This day is also celebrated by organising various peaceful processions with the idol of Lord Mahavir embedded in a beautiful chariot.

This day has a different significance and it marks a huge importance in the Jain community as it is an auspicious day for Jains. Lord Mahavira taught people to practice meditation. He also taught people to be vegetarians and avoid killing a small organism even. Lord Mahavira taught people to be loyal. This day has huge importance. The worshipping of idols and seeking the blessings are the most important rituals that are followed by Jain community.