Lunar eclipse 2018 in Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai

The first lunar eclipse of the year 2018 will be visible on Wednesday, January 31st. The effect of this eclipse will be seen in the entire month of Magh. On this day, the moon will appear in three colours, such a moon was seen in 35 years back. On the day of Chandra Grahan, it is considered inauspicious to see God. Therefore, the doors of the temple are closed on this day. Lunar eclipse in India will also start the Sutak time. The Sutak time will starts from Wednesday, January 31, at 7.00 a.m., and ends at 8:45 pm. This eclipse will be auspicious for some people and it would be inauspicious for some people. On this day, the moon will look bigger than ordinary days and the blood moon will appear in the sky. 

According to NASA, the ‘Super Blue Blood Moon,’ will be appeared on 31 January 2018 in Asia, most of Europe, Australia, North-East Africa, North-West South America, North America, Atlantic, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific, Arctic and Antarctica. The Total Lunar Eclipse would be visible in many popular cities like in Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Seattle, Sydney and Singapore. It will occur during the moonrise, in the evening. The Moon will rise in various parts of India follows as, 5:50 pm in Delhi, 5:15 pm in Kolkata, 5:20 pm in Patna, 6:04 pm in Chennai and in Mumbai at 6:27 pm.

The moon will appears 14 percent brighter and 30 percent bigger than a regular Moon on 31 January and known as Supermoon. When the Moon is closest to the Earth, is called the Supermoon, which is also known as the perigee point. The Moon, Earth and the Sun will align to form a straight line on the Full Moon day. However, there has already been a Full Moon on 1 January and another one on 31 January, so there will be two full moons in a month, which makes it a Blue Moon.