Lunar Eclipse or Chandra Grahan 2018 LIVE; North America will miss out: The second full moon eclipse of 2018 is today. It will also be visible in India. This full moon eclipse or Lunar Eclipse 2018 can be seen in many countries of the world including India. Penumbral eclipse will start from 10.30 pm tonight. While the dark shadow of the earth will touch the moon from 11 to 54 minutes and partial lunar eclipse will begin. This is the starting part of the eclipse when the outermost part of the earth’s shadow starts to cover the moon. In this situation, no part of the moon appears cut off, but it appears that a deep shadow is bursting on the moon. For more updates related to Chandra Grahan 2018 and Lunar Eclipse 2018 follow or Download our News app- Newsfolo from Google Play Store.
Lunar Eclipse LIVE Updates
5:30 PM IST- Most of Africa, the Middle East, southern Asia and the Indian Ocean region will get an eyeful, weather permitting. Sadly, North America will miss out.
4:30 PM IST- It’s called a blood moon because the light from the sun goes through the earth’s atmosphere on its way to the moon, and the earth’s atmosphere turns it red in the same way that when the sun goes down it goes red
3:30 PM IST- At night, 3 pm 49 minutes, partial moonlight will also end and the moon will start to appear in its full size. However, due to penumbral eclipse, the black shadow on the moon will continue to be seen till 4.58. At 4.58 in the morning, the moon will be completely free from the black shadow of the eclipse.
3:00 PM IST- The second lunar eclipse of 2018 will be seen in most parts of Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe and South America. In the US, Canada, and Mexico, this eclipse will not appear at all. Eclipse will not even appear in the northeast part of Russia. The total length of the complete lunar eclipse will be 103 minutes.
2:30 PM IST- It is called the lunar eclipse of the when the earth comes between the Moon and the Sun. Lunar eclipse occurs when the earth comes between the sun and the moon in such a way that the whole or part of the moon is covered with the shadow of the Earth. In this situation, when the earth obstructs the sun’s rays to reach the Moon, then in that part of the earth, there is a lunar eclipse.
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