Gulal : type of color that brings different meanings in life

Gulal : type of color that brings different meanings in life

Gulal is the traditional name given to all the colored powdered material. This is usually used in the festival of colors. Holi is the festival of colors that is celebrated for the win of good over the evil. This festival brings a lot of joy in one’s life. This festival is celebrated with joy by throwing color powder at each other. Holi has a great significance that why it is celebrated with gulal as Lord Krishna was complex of color of Radha so his mother smeared Radha’s face with color.

In old times, Gulal color was made from flowers coming from trees. The natural extracted color is very helpful for the skin. It never harms the skin. Artificial colors are very harmful as it causes allergies and irriation. The new industrial dyes have been manufactured through chemical processes with non-standard parameters and hence the resulting colors are sometimes toxic for face and skin, causing problems such as eye irritation, allergies, skin infection and asthma. Concerned with the harmful effects of the color it is preferred to use natural colors and protect the skin from harmful effects.

Gulal powder has very important role in Hindu religion. This has been used for religious purpose. The use of colored powders appears in other ceremonies, such as funerals. Gulal is very auspicious. It never harms the skin of the person. A survey reported that Chinese products are more innovative and cheaper by up to 55%, comparing to powders manufactured locally in regions like Uttar Pradesh, Rajastan, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. The new industrial dyes have been manufactured through chemical processes with non-standard parameters and hence the resulting colours are sometimes toxic for face and skin, causing problems such as eye irritation, allergies, skin infection and asthma.