With the emergence of solar eclipse this month, the lunar month is also here. Hence, Ganesh Chaturthi is almost here. Every lunar month, according to Hindu calendar, there are two Chaturthi Tithis. The one after full moon night, during Krishna Paksha, is Sankashti Chaturthi and the one which falls in new moon might, during Shukla Paksha is Vinayaka Chaturthi. This year Ganesh Chaturthi starts from 25th August-1st September 2017.
Though Sankashti Chaturthi, falls every month, and people do fast. But this year, we will be celebrating Ganesh pooja for 11 days instead of 10 days. And that’s because of some scientific reason. To celebrate the day without any bad fortune, it is necessary for us all to follow some Hindu mythological timings. So, the timing for the Madhyahna Ganesh Pooja this year is 10:43 to 13:15. The total duration of the time in between pooja can be done in two hours and 32 minutes.
Though the Chaturthi will commence on 24th August 2017 at 20:27. And it will be carried to August 25th, 2017 at 20:31. It is advised for the followers to avoid the moon sighting on 25th August 2017, during 08:46 to 20:57, making the total duration of 12 Hours and 11 Mins. Although the celebration has already started in the big cities. But to bring light, the major celebration is worth watching in the state of Maharashtra. People all over the city are doomed in the decoration of temples and pandals.