Healthy skin is the most precious gift of beauty, but what to do with this winter, which snatches the beauty of the skin. But this does not mean that you are careless about your skin. Learn what measures are needed for skin in the cold. Facial cleansing, moisturizing and scrubbing are essential to make the skin beautiful and healthy. To eliminate the effect of day-to-day dust and pollution, it is necessary to clean the skin properly. Moreover, healthy food is also necessary for glowy skin. Proper food diet can moisturize inner layer of body and can help to get good looks in winter.
Many of the people don’t even know that it is easy to keep your skin healthy in the winter season. As in winter, a number of vegetables are available, even at a cheap price which can nourish your skin in deep.
Use proper Moisturiser
For unblemished skin in the winter season, clean the face twice a day with a good medicated face wash.
Use the Mild Scrub to remove the dead skin, but do not do more than three times a week.
These days dry air first destroys the skin moisture. It causes strain and stigma on the skin. Its effect is not only on your face but on other parts of the body. In such a situation, use a good body lotion or moisturizer, not just on your face but on the whole body. It works like a protective armour for the skin.
Right diet
You can eat fried and sweet things during this season, but if you want to stay fit then eat roasted things.
Take fish, dot soup and dry fruits.
Seasonal vegetables, tomatoes, spinach, garlic, orange in fruit and papaya are also beneficial for skin.
Tomato contains carotene content, which cleanses the blood, while the spinach provides calcium and increases the amount of haemoglobin.
Carrot is also available in winter, you can take carrot juice on daily basses, which increase the haemoglobin and clean the blood too.
Eat peanuts, it contains all nutrients equivalent to almonds and nourish your skin.
Green tea, lemon juice and honey are a good choice
Homemade Moisturizer
Use half spoon of Malai (milk Cream) with 2-3 drops of lemon on face and arms on daily bases. It is the best home remedy for skin care in winter.
Use Coconut oil after bath on the body.
Massage the face with almond oil at night
Massaging the face, nose, and lips with glycerin and rose water is beneficial. Dry skin becomes moist.
Take a hot shower to maintain the skin hygiene.
Use Moisturizer immediately after bathing.
Put zinc oxide moisturizer during the day, in which the SPF is 30 protectors.
Vitamin A for the night and cream containing Vitamin C and E for the day is beneficial. Use water-based creams and moisturizers.
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