United Nation day: Celebrating by all countries today

Today, on 24th October is celebrated as a United Nation Day, which marks the anniversary of United Nation. 72 years ago, in 1945 the united nation officially came in to being. on 24th October 1948 united nation day celebrated for the first time. Whereas in 1971, after the recommendation of united nations general assembly, the day was registered by member states as a public holiday. The United Nations achieve human rights and human dignity for all and will build a peaceful life. United Nations Day revolves around the different agendas of the united nation which the members spent on meeting and events. In some countries, the anniversary day of the united nation is celebrated with cultural programmes and in some countries, there is a public holiday on this day.

The United Nations Day is celebrated every year by the United States with their president issuing a proclamation, while in the Philippines, schools organized a programme where kids are encouraged to put on the national costumes of member states. Also, in countries like in Kosovo, United Nations Day is an official holiday as the province is administered by the Interim Administration Mission.

In India, today on October 24, on the account of United Nation Day, Home Ministry has announced that the UN flag will be flying along with the Indian flag on all important government buildings.