Sarojini Nagar now considered No Parking Zone by NGT, Rs 5000 for disobeying the rules

Sarojini Nagar now considered No Parking Zone by NGT, Rs 5000 for disobeying the rules

The National Green Tribunal has now banned parking permanently in Sarojini Nagar Market. Anyone found to be disobeying the rules will be charged with Rs 5000 fine. In addition to this, the person will also be charged under the Motot Vehicles Act, NGT Chairperson Justice Swatanter Kumar, who headed the jury declared. “It is conceded before us by the NDMC that the multi- level parking was constructed at high expenditure. But the parking lot has remained empty and the shopkeepers and the customers were parking their vehicles on the road causing heavy traffic congestion,” the Jury commented on the new decision.

People and marketers will now be allowed to park their cars in the multi level parking site that has been built by the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC).

The decision is primarily made in the wake of the deadly Smog that enveloped Delhi for more than a wake because of air pollution and the smoke coming from Haryana and Punjab. For many days, the activities in the capital were disrupted because of the smog, and even the Government’s attempts to implement the ODD EVEN scheme were met with apt criticism for not thinking about the condition of the environment before.

There hasn’t been any other reports about where else the Jury would put up this ban, but for now, this small step an encouraging example that the authorities are trying to control and even eradicate the situation.