Uttar Pradesh Congress President Raj Babbar has resigned from his post. However, it could not be confirmed till late night whether the party high command accepted his resignation or not. According to Congress sources, Raj Babbar had expressed his desire to give up the responsibility of the post of state president just two months ago. Instead, they want to remain in the role of star campaigners so that they can go to the whole country to campaign in favour of the party. Party high command also agreed with his proposal, but Raj Babbar was ordered to remain as a UP Chief till the next decision. Trusted sources of the party said that Raj Babbar has resigned from the post. The Congress is almost all set to be Alliance with the SP in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. It is assumed that due to old adversities from SP, Raj Babbar will not prove to be very friendly for this alliance.
According to party sources, the Congress has decided to bet on a Brahmin leader on the post of president. For this, the name of former Union Minister Jitin Prasad is also in the discussion. However, names of former MP Rajesh Mishra and Rajya Sabha member Pramod Tiwari are also discussed. He resigned from his post by adding a tweet on his twitter account.
अंत में मित्रों,
इतना ही कहूंगा
कि अंत महज एक मुहावरा है
जिसे शब्द हमेशा
अपने विस्फोट से उड़ा देते हैं ….उनकी ऐसी पंक्तियां उन्हें कहां हमसे दूर होने देंगी । कविवर केदारनाथ सिंह जी को विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि pic.twitter.com/UvqkPDFImy
— Raj Babbar (@RajBabbarMP) March 20, 2018
It is also possible that in Uttar Pradesh, Congress could appoint a president and four vice-presidents like Gujarat. Every vice president has to take care of his work area. Raj Babbar is the third state president to resign in the last 36 hours after Bharat Singh Solanki of Gujarat Pradesh Congress Committee and Shantaram Naik from Goa Pradesh Congress Committee. Bharat Singh Solanki has announced the reason for his resignation as a private visit while Shantaram Naik has resigned to giving opportunities to young leaders. The reason for Raj Babbar’s resignation has not been revealed yet.
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