Blue whale challenge has proven to be one of the most negative force on internet and has caused the death of more than 100 children around the world including India. In contrast to this death alley a group in Brazil has started Pink whale challenge which almost acts like a self help group for people who are depressed. Creators of Pink whale challenge have said, ” In order to prove that the internet can be used to viralize the good, the Pink Whale was born. We are not a self help group! We just believe that we are all capable of promoting love and good!”.
Deaths of children conceived by blue whale challenge has made internet a scary place and it has caused the death of 3 children in India as of today. The creator of blue whale was arrested in Russia a year ago and now the administrator does not even have a face but someone is actively running it. Pink whale challenge has a verified page on Facebook and Instagram with over 3,40,000 followers ready to spread the goodness.
Pink whale also gives task to people to get over depression, as of today the tasks have been assigned for 107 days. Brazilian government has aided and supported pink whale by saying that internet can also be used for goodness and prosperity. Baleia Rosa (Pink whale in Portuguese) was started in April and is running successfully with participants around all around the globe.