Odd-Even rule: Transport Minister Kailash Gahlot to hold second meeting today

Odd-Even rule: Transport Minister Kailash Gahlot to hold second meeting today

Kailash Gahlot, the Transport Minister of Delhi, has stated that he’ll be holding a 2nd Preparatory meeting for the purpose of the ODD-EVEN rule, that’ll make it possible for some reduction of pollution in Delhi. The Meeting is set to take place today at 4:30 PM and will also include the Commissioner Transport, Divisional Commissioner. The meeting is probably set in the process of scheduling the ODD-EVEN and making it functional as soon as possible. Arvind Kejrival, the Chief Minister of Delhi also said that he’ll be sending letters to the CMs of Punjab and Haryana, to make them slow down the burning of the corps, so that it’ll be unable to add to the smog that overtaken the city.

A thick smog has made visibility difficult in the Capital of India, furthermore, the weather experts have said that the Smog is hazardous to the health of children, elders and people who are suffering from breathing problems.

The ODD-EVEN rule is a simple scheme, according to which, people have to not the last number of the plates of their vehicles and then have to take the vehicles out only when the day correspond to ODD or EVEN. For example, if  your vehicle’s last number is 6, the it’ll only be allowed to travel down the roads on days with even digits.

Hopefully, the rule is implemented soon so that the Smog situation can be handled quickly and won’t be repeated again.