Uttar Pradesh Governement has now decided that there will be no leave or holiday on the death Anniversary of Dr. BR Ambedkar, which is usually celebrated on 6 December. B.R Ambedkar died on 6 December 1954 for years, his death anniversary was considered a state holiday. But not anymore, as the UP government sent out letters to the departments that there will be no leave on this day anymore. This isn’t the first time that Yogi Adityanath has cancelled the holiday that is dedicated to a famous personality, because ever since he became the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, he has scrapped 15 such holidays that had previously been celebrated under other governments.
Yogi Adityanath did speak on the occasion of the death Anniversary of the father the constitution of India, and told the guests that there wouldn’t be a holiday on 6 December because the academic session that is 220 session long has been reduced to only 120 days, since there are often holidays dedicated to different people.
He suggested that if there are too many holidays in the schedule and not enough for studies and work, which, according to him are more essential thing to do than spending your time at home and doing absolutely nothing.
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