Lunar Eclipse is one of the most mesmerizing and unusual phenomena that occur every year, but this month, on July 27 2018, the world is going to witness the first full Lunar Eclipse of the century. Blood Moon, as its also known as, occurs when the Earth comes in between Moon and Sun, and its shadow falls on Moon, coloring it blood orange. Lunar Eclipse, is also known as Chandra Grahan in India, and is tied to many predictions with the Zodiac signs as many astrologists believe that it has an effect on the lives of people according to the position of the planets and the moon. The eclipse is being considered because it is going to last for 1 hour and forty minutes; the longest during this century.
And its likely that the energies are going to be more effective from the beginning of the phenomena. It is going to be the beginning of Aquarius age, which signifies finding yourself, and trying to avoid disasters by solving the problems in your life. This Lunar Eclipse is also going to be strongly effected by the planet Mars, which could be more emotionally intense for people with Gemini Sign who are advised to keep their tempers in control, and not let small arguments worry or anger them into making harsh decisions.
However, the phenomena won’t be visible for people who live in North America, but those living in Africa and Asia are going to be able to view it properly.
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