The counting for the Uttar Pradesh Local Body elections (Nagar Nikay Chunav) is going to be held tomorrow, Friday, 1 December. It is expected that BJP party is going to have a majority, based on the exit polls, but nothing is confirmed yet and Congress could be victorious until the last votes are counted. The winners will get the results via SMS messages, which will be the first time such a method is used to reveal the results. However, the polls will also be updated online too, so anyone who wants to check the results will be able to do so on the media sites or on google page.
The elections were held in three stages, and on 22, 26 and 29 November, and a total number of 53 percent people voted in the polls. The Nagar Nikay Chunav are held for 16 Municipal Corporation, 118 Municipal Council and 438 Nagar Panchayat seats/bodies.
The results will begin to trickle out from early morning, and continue to expand as the day progresses. BJP has been quite confident, but the voter count this time has been disappointingly low, which can be afforded to a lot of factors, but it could hurt the chances of both parties equally. It’ll depend on who has the better support with the public.
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