Lal Lajpat Rai was an imminent freedom fighter of India. He was born in 28 January 1865, and was the son of Munshi Radha Krishan , whi was an Urdu and Persian government school teacher, and his wife Gulab Devi Agrawa. He was finally married in 1877, to Radha Devi Agrawal, with whom he had two sons, name Amrit Rai Agrawal and Pyarelal Agrawal, and a daughter named, Parvati Agrawal. His contributions to the freedom of India, and his fight against the British oppressors have become an integral part of the history of India and can never be forgotten by anyone who hails from the country and remembers all the hardships that freedom fighters had to go through to take the country away from the foreign hands.
Lal Rajpat Rai joined Indian National Congress, and after he too part in political rallies in Punjab, he was pushed off the country, and sent out to Mandalay, Burma in May 1907 . He wasn’t even afforded a trial. However, he was welcomed back in India, in November of the same year, because viceroy, Lord Minto believed that there wasn’t much evidence to keep him out of the country.
One of his most controversial statements have been that he demanded the India be divided into, Muslim and Hindu nation in a daily newspaper, in 14 December 1923.
In 1928, during an agitation to boycott the commision to report on the Political atmosphere in India, which was headed by Sir John Simon, Lala Lajpat Rai was assaulted during the lathi charge, and succumbed to his injures on 17 November 1928, because of heart attack.
His death was one of the most shocking, and sad events in the Indian fight for freedom, and his rallying cry, that “I declare that the blows struck at me today will be the last nails in the coffin of British rule in India,” is immortalized in the country’s history.
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