Jignesh Mevani held a press conference and asked the difficult question about the safety of Dalits in the country. He told the media about his experiences during his journey from Ahmadabad and Una, how they were attacked. The windows of their cars were broken, and people were physically assaulted too. He also condemned the violence against the Dalit community in Bhima, Koregaon, while they were peacefully carrying out their rally. He asked the government about their position on the safety of Dalit people, and if the persecution will ever stop. Jignesh also pointed out the chief policy of Dr. B.R Ambedkar had been the annihilation of caste system in India, and not its use in politics for the profit of some people at the cost of life of many others.
He assured the media that his view points toward the caste system subject are progressive and that he also has a video that people can access on social media site Facebook. Challenging Narendra Modi, he said that the Prime Minister will have to speak on this topic.
Speaking about the case that was lodged against him during the conflict, he clamied that there is absolutely nothing inflammatory in his speech. He stated that he didn’t go to Bhima, Koregaon and has said nothing that could be provoke or restricted from the law.
Jignesh has said that these kinds of attacks on him are merely because the ministers from the BJP party are scared of his influence in the public and he could prove to be threat in te 2019 elections. There had been some reports that Jignesh could negatively affect the Maharashtra bandh because of some comments of his speech, but it now looks that the lawyer turned Politician had not nefarious reasons behind his words.
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