Happy Independence Day Wallpaper, Quotes, Status, Images and Messages

Happy Independence Day Wallpaper, Quotes, Status, Images and Messages

In this year India will celebrate Independence day on 15th August 2018, and you need to write a “Happy Independence Day” message to your associates, family members, colleagues, bosses, clients, friends or employees at the workplace. We celebrate Independence day because on this day Our national heroes who fought and laid down their lives for the Declaration of Independence and the birth of our country as an independent nation deserves to be remembered not only on the fourth of July but always. However, Politicians usually use this occasion to renew their vows, promising to preserve the liberties and freedom we enjoy, to work towards improving the welfare of the masses, and to continue building a great nation that we all can rely on and be proud of.

Independence day Quotes Images

  1. “Freedom does not come so easily. We are indebted to our national heroes who made this country what it is today. As patriotic citizens, let’s put extra effort to perform our own civic rights and responsibilities. Our diversities should not be seen as a weakness but as our strength. It is only by working together that we can build a resilience nation.”
  2. “As we mark our [insert year] Independence Day today, start to think of something that you have done to better the welfare of the people. If none, then start to think of what can be done towards improving the general well-being of the people. Happy Independence Day!”
  3. “Today marks our nation’s [insert year] Independence Day, we need to change our attitude towards others, say no to corruption, and give every citizen a sense of belonging, doing these things can build and sustain the kind of nation our past heroes dream of and laid down their lives for.”
  4. “Each time I remember those who laid down their lives for this Day of Freedom we are celebrating, tears roll down from my eyes. I wish they are alive today to see how the country is progressing to greatness.”

Independence Day Messages

  1. Celebrate hard-won freedom …honour the founding of your homeland … free from foreign rule … Happy August 15th
  2. Independence Day is both … an occasion to celebrate … and to remember the struggles of those who fought to give us this gift; Happy 15th August
  3. Trailing the colours of the national flag… Orange, White and Green… let’s stand together for unity, prosperity and peace
  4. It makes my heart beat with pride,
    to see the colors of Independence Day spreading happiness and great joys all around.
    May the glory of Independence Day Be with your forever.

Independence Day Messages in Hindi

  • ना सरकार मेरी है ! ना रौब मेरा है ! ना बड़ा सा नाम मेरा है ! मुझे तो एक छोटी सी बात का गौरव है , मै “हिन्दुस्तान” का हूँ…. और “हिन्दुस्तान” मेरा है…जय हिन्द
  • अब तक जिसका खून न खौला, वो खून नहीं वो पानी है…जो देश के काम ना आये, वो बेकार जवानी है… बोलो भारत माता की जय.. स्वतंत्र दिवस मुबारक हो!
  • हम तो किसी दूसरे की धरती पर नज़र भी नहीं डालते… लेकिन इतने नालायक बच्चे भी नहीं की कोई हमारी धरती माँ पर नज़र डाले और हम चुप चाप देखते रहे। जय हिन्द
  • क्यों मरते हो यारो सनम के लिए… ना देगी दुपट्टा कफ़न के लिए… मारना है तो मरो “वतन” के लिए “तिरंगा” तो मिले कफन के लिए… स्वतंत्र दिवस मुबारक हो!
  • अगर भारत को है महान बनाना… तो भ्रष्ट नेताओं को होगा हटाना और भ्रष्टाचार को होगा मिटाना… ये किसी एक से न होगा.. पूरे जनसमुदाय को होगा साथ निभाना… स्वतंत्र दिवस मुबारक हो!
  • पंख फैलाये हुए मौर बहुत देखे है, घन पे छाये घनघोर बहुत देखे है… नाला कहता है समंदर से उमड़ना सीखो, हमने बरसात के ये शौर बहुत देखे है… भारत माता की जय
  • लंदन देखा पेरिस देखा और देखा जापान , सरे जग में कहीं नहीं है दूसरा हिन्दुस्तान.. We all feel proud to be an Indian. Wishing you all a very Happy Independence Day 2018!!