Google Doodle Celebrates 135th birth anniversary of Physicist Max Born

Google is celebrating the 135th birth anniversary of German physicist and mathematician Max Born’s contribution to the field of quantum mechanics in the form of a Doodle created by guest artist Kati Szilagyi. In the doodle, Born is seen writing using a pen, the symbol psi, which is also known as the symbol for wave function in physics. For the fundamental research in Quantum Mechanics and especially in the statistical interpretation of the wave function Born was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1954. quantum mechanics, lasers, personal computing, and advancements in medicine, including inventions like Medical Imaging Devices or MRIs (Magnetic resonance imaging), all become possible due to Research of Max Born.

In 1906 the Born earned his Ph.D. from the University of Göttingen after that he became a professor of theoretical physics. Dr. Born joined the German Armed Forces in 1915, and there he worked on the theory of sound ranging and studied the theory of crystals. Born began his research on four-dimensional space-time along with Professor Hermann Minkowski as he Inspired by Albert Einstien’s research. Born was collaborated with several mathematicians, researchers, universities and he also collaborated with a brief stint in Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru along with Sir C.V. Raman in his career spanning.

Also, Born was the grandfather of singer Olivia Newton-John. On 11 December 1882, born was brought up in part of the German Empire, Breslau which is now in Poland. In Britain, Born worked at the University of Edinburgh as a Tait Professor of Natural Philosophy and continued to hold onto his post till he retired in 1954. Born received a number of fellowships from many institutes or academies, including the University of Moscow, Berlin, Gottingen, London, Bangalore, Washington, Edinburgh, Dublin, Boston and many others.

Today the Google Doodle honoured Dr. Max Born by showing him pondering over papers and books filled with equations.