On 2nd October , we pay tribute to the leader of Indian Independence Movement .It is set against the backdrop of British rule. He was a man of stern beliefs based on the grounds of equality for which he employed Non-violent Civil Disobidience Movement. Belonging to a Hindu merchant family he stood fo the people described as lower caste or shudras who thereafter labelled themselves as Harijans.The great man is commemorated for his speeches, leadership and virtues for attaining ”Swaraj”or self rule. He is an important person in the history of India. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2nd October so , Gandhi Jayanti embarks his birthday .It is declared as official holiday of India as schools, post offices and banks are closed.Reminiscising Gandhi various ceremonies are held such as singing Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram or embellishing his statues with flowers or portrait making competition.
He is the one who took a stand for social causes .Gandhi’s idea of the Independent India as religious pluralism was challanged by Muslim Nationalism. The nation was divided into two dominions as India and Pakistam. He made peasants,workers and farmers speak for themselves against land -tax and discrimination. He gave voice to the ordinary whose narratives otherwise would have been olibirated from the more grandiosely themes. The faint voices were made strong.He challanged the salt tax and led British quit India with its consequences of religious violence and trubulence on the basis of religion ie Hindu , Muslim and Sikh. Gandhi Ji symbolises truth and peace. Boycotting British products for Indian economy was a part of his plan in Swaraj movement. This increased poverty which was intolerable for him so he started using spinning wheels as a symbol of establishing cottage industry to renew Indian national industries.
Indian National Congress gave him authority to stand for Free India. Revolt against Britain broke out , Gandhi Ji was imprisoned. He represented Indian National Congress and became prominent figure as a political activist. He eradicated unjust social and economic caste structure.We must honour him for peace and independence.
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