Delhi Government cancels ODD-EVEN scheme, will talk to NGT about Two Wheelers

Delhi Government has now decided to call off plans to implement ODD-EVEN scheme because of clashes with the rules set by NGT. The obvious reasons for the cancellation seems to be that the government doesn’t want to adhere to the rules that are set by the NGT, especially that women shouldn’t be exempted from the scheme. It is reported that the safety of women is the most prominent cause of concern for the government. The next disagreement arises from Two wheelers, that the Delhi Government had exempted, but the NGT didn’t. The reasoning from the government is that they don’t have the kind of facilities and manpower to sustain the scheme for long, and that it won’t be successful if they follow NGT’s guidelines.

Delhi Government’s decision to implement ODD-EVEN scheme was met with harsh critiscm by NGT, who asked if they even had the resources to fulfill the scheme. NGT had then passed the scheme, but with some restrictions, and now it seems that the two parties can’t find common ground.

Meanwhile, Delhi continues to choke on the deadly smog that has enveloped it for a week, and the schools remain shut because it is now hazardous to go outside for long. The smog could cause breathing problems to children, elders and anyone suffering with respiratory disease if they venture outside. It can only be hoped that Delhi Government tries to find the right elements to implement the scheme  and controls the smog before its too late.