Chandra Grahan 2018: know Date And Timing In India

chandra grahan

The world will witness Chandra Grahan (lunar Eclipse) on July 27 night and between early hours of July 28. This Total lunar eclipse is counted to be longest eclipse of the century. The first phase of the eclipse will begin at 11:54 pm IST tomorrow and second phase is set to start from 2:43 am IST. In India places like Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru and Pune will have clear view of the blood moon.  This year been full of rare phenomenon where a super moon, blue moon and a blood moon  happen together back to back. The first Chandra Grahan appeared on January 31, 2018. It happened first time after 152 years.
It is said for the people who like to mediate and do chanting during the eclipse must stay on an empty stomach before at least two hours before it. The only reason behind staying empty stomach during the eclipse is to aid comfort and lightness in body system. There are many different beliefs and practices related to Chandra Grahan (lunar eclipse), some are believed to be superstitions and are still practiced but none of these beliefs have any support from scientific studies.
There are different set of beliefs in Veda, according to Ayurveda they don’t practice of avoiding food and drinking water during an eclipse. Howevr, they avoid indulging in an auspicious work during course of this period. According to them it is okay to stick with your daily routines even on eclipse. Experts says, you can follow any routine on the set of your beliefs. The blood moon, lunar eclipse will align at best positions of the sun and the earth. This eclipse will be experienced across the world, expect North America but will be viewed at best from Australia, Africa, New Zealand and Asia. After this total lunar eclipse, the next lunar eclipse is going to be on December 31, 2018.