The date sheet of the much awaited CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) has been realeased for 10th and 12th standard. The board examination will kick start from march 5th, 2018, soon after Holi. For class 10th, the board will continue till 4th April, 2018, while for class 12th, they would continue till April 12th, 2018. The news came from the official board, with that students are expected start their preparation even better.
The time of the examination will commence from 10:30 am. Though school give their date sheet to students officially, but if very you are unable to get it, you can easily download from the official site of CBSE(Central Board of Secondary Education). The right process to download the date is
Step1- press the link, ‘CBSE Date Sheet Class 10 or 12th.
Step-2 Soon the date would appear on the page.
Step-3 click and download for your use.
Step-4 Don’t foregt to take the print of date sheet, in case of emergency.
Students have been worried about the date sheet, as the date sheet was expected to come in the first week of January, but no need to worry for holi instead. Exams will start from March 5th, 2018. Last year, the board examination for both 10th and 12th started from march 9th. Do’t forget to take the print copy of the date sheet. And best of luck for examination.
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