Ayushman Bharat Card Eligibility Check: Steps to Verify Your Eligibility Status

Ayushman Bharat Card is a health insurance scheme launched by the Government of India under the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) to provide financial protection and healthcare access to economically vulnerable families in India. The scheme provides coverage of up to Rs. 5 lakhs per family per year and covers medical expenses for 1,350 specified procedures. If you are interested in applying for the Ayushman Bharat Card, the first step is to check your eligibility status. Here are the steps to verify your eligibility status for the scheme:

Steps to Verify Your Ayushman Bharat Card Eligibility

  1. Visit the official website of AB-PMJAY: The official website of AB-PMJAY provides an eligibility checking tool that can help you verify your eligibility status for the Ayushman Bharat Card. You can access the tool by visiting https://pmjay.gov.in/check-your-eligibility.
  2. Enter your mobile number: Once you access the eligibility checking tool, you will be prompted to enter your mobile number. Enter your mobile number and click on the “Generate OTP” button.
  3. Enter OTP: After you receive the OTP on your registered mobile number, enter it in the field provided and click on the “Submit” button.
  4. Enter your name and other details: Once you submit the OTP, you will be prompted to enter your name and other details such as your state, district, and ration card number.
  5. Check your eligibility status: After you enter your details, the eligibility tool will check your eligibility status and display the results. If you are eligible for the scheme, you can proceed with the application process.

Alternatively, you can also check your eligibility status by visiting the nearest Ayushman Mitra center. The Ayushman Mitra will help you check your eligibility and guide you through the application process.

In conclusion, the Ayushman Bharat Card is a health insurance scheme that provides financial protection and healthcare access to economically vulnerable families in India. If you are interested in applying for the scheme, you can verify your eligibility status by visiting the official website of AB-PMJAY or by visiting the nearest Ayushman Mitra center. By verifying your eligibility status, you can take the first step towards availing of the benefits of the Ayushman Bharat Card scheme