Aadhar Pan card linking deadline to not extend beyond 31st August

Aadhar-Pan linking deadline to not extend beyond 31st August

Still trying to figure out how to link aadhaar with pan card 31st August is the last date for Aadhar Pan card link using your mobile number. The deadline was extended to 31st August because some people filed a complaint that they can’t link the 2 properly because of repeated names in 2 databases. The government has taken this action to keep a direct check on people’s earning in order to ensure that black money does not grow. The decision of Supreme court has nothing to do with it as the deadline will not extend beyond 31st August. If someone does not link the two than they can face the problem regarding tax returns.

Pan and Aadhar linking is called as “effective anti-evasion measure” by the government. The model being followed here already exists in the west where they have a “social security number”. Social security number is like a cheat guide into the life of any citizen, where all the records from education to parking ticket is kept. Aadhar card was introduced following that model only and linking it with Pan is just a step further to now have a check on income taxes.

Apparently only 10% people in the country pay their taxes and that is a pit stop when it comes to the growth of country. Aadhar card as an unique identification number is held by most citizens of this country even if they don’t have a Pan card.